Saturday 27 April 2019

To quote Granny Weatherwax I ain't dead. I've been struggling there's been a lot of health issues, hospital visits, blood tests, DNA testing and more. My dad and I have a rare genetic disorder it has saw him losing so much blood that he'd dropped to just three units he needs weekly blood transfusions as well as iron drips. We've both had several surgeries as well still we're both here and hopefully that'll continue. What are my plans going forward? Try and get back on top of all my blogs, get the magazine back on a regular schedule and apply for funding to try and get a poetry event off the ground. I also learn't that the store that got me into gaming all those years ago is gone. The owner Joe sold it after his heart attack and the guy he sold it to kept it running. Last month I was in town and thought I'd call in and its now a hunting store I don't even know when that happened and I'm devastated it was one of the few places I could feel safe I suppose that's one of the downsides of living in a country and a city where Car bombs and fire bombs were the norm, were every weekend there'd be a scare and you'd hope it would turn out to be a hoax. These are all the projects that I've either just finished in the case of the Minotaurs (terrible sculpts sadly) or am still working on the Dragonmasters dragon. The Steam tank is for my wifes Empire army it has been built for years and fought in many battles but the painting was never finished beyond the basecoat and that was in 2009 Well I decided enough is enough.

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