Thursday 10 September 2015

Suicide Prevention Week

This is Suicide Prevention Week and Awareness week I've tried to kill myself in the past the first time was in 2006 and I had an experience which my doctor called an extreme reaction to stress. I had the year from hell, my parents had been in a really bad car crash and nearly died, I'd lost my job, ended up in hospital with my health, been assaulted in the street and then the house had been broken into Christmas alone was something I couldn't face indeed life at that point had reached so low a point I couldn't see a way forwards. I took an overdose washed down with a bottle of whiskey cliche I know but that's what happened. Dream Spiral Life twists, turns and spirals, A leaf caught in an uncaring grasp, Sometimes gentle, sometimes harsh. The dreamer wakes the downward spiral, Despair thickened like molasses, Sinks to his chest in toxicity. Life crushed, broken dolls, Limbs scattered as flotsam, on unwashed shores. The pain of living pulls despondently Towards broken promises, Painful half truths writ large. Bitterly shaken hands grasp bottles, Let loose the genie, pain killers to numb Sleeping pills to drift away. Life smashed on scattered sands, Tears fell unnoticed washed away By white horses as he drank the past No more tomorrows, no more pain, Memories discarded among the flotsam Driftwood returns to driftwood. Feeble flicker of life refuses To pass fights to live, Bile rises, darkness Descends. The dreamer awakes Discarded, carried on a sea of bile Half digested pills, whisky stinks the air. Slowly painfully picks up the phone Dials a half forgotten number “hello? I tried to kill myself”

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